Display Rates:
Prices are discounted according to continuity: 4 consecutive weeks is our lowest rate.
Open Rate-4 col. in. min....$10.50 col. in.
2 weeks-4 col. in. min....$9.25 col. in.
3 weeks-4 col. in. min....$8.50 col. in.
4 weeks-4 col. in. min....$8.00 col. in.
6 Months or more(signed contract)....$7.50 col. in.
Full Color is an additional $25.00 per week.
Spot color is an additional $10.00 per week or $35 per 4 weeks.
Non-profits receive our lowest rate of $7.50 per col. in. and a $15 full color charge.
Front/Back Page Advertising
Our front page spaces are normally reserved in advance based on who ran the previous year. We usually have some openings available, so do not hesitate to inquire if you are interested!
Top Front...$500
Bottom Front...$600
1/2 Split Bottom...$325
Back Full/Split...$725/$375
Adult Birthdays/Anniversaries
Please note: These are different from the birthday/anniversary AD. The ads are boxed in, these are like press releases.
If you have a 50-year anniversary or 100-year birthday that you'd like to put in the paper as a boxed-in birthday ad, you can still do this for the $40 or $20 price.
Insert Advertising:
Tell us about your request, and it will be a pleasure to answer as soon as possible